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أوسمتك يا mohammedtarek
مُساهمةموضوع: Most programming languages used in the world

Programming languages play a vital role in web development. As a beginner in this field, it can be challenging to determine where to start and what to learn. However, if you want to succeed in this industry, it's crucial to know the most important programming languages, those that are most in demand and those that are getting popular.

According to the Stack Overflow developer survey, the most popular web development languages in 2019 and 2020 were Python, Rust, and TypeScript. Python, JavaScript, and Go were the most wanted languages for the same two years. These languages have great potential for growth in popularity in the future.

JavaScript is currently the most used language in the world, followed by Python. It is also the most famous programming language for hiring managers in America. JavaScript is used for web development, game development, and building web servers. Python is a general-purpose programming language used in web development, data science, and application development.

PHP is a scripting language used in backend web development to deliver simple and dynamic websites and web applications. It is supported by many third parties such as .NET, Apache, and MySQL. Ruby is an excellent programming language for web development and is best known for its Ruby on Rails framework.

HTML and CSS are the basic building blocks of websites, and it is impossible to create custom websites without them. With the help of other programming languages like JavaScript, HTML, and CSS can be used to create dynamic and attractive web pages.

In conclusion, understanding the most important programming languages used in web development is crucial to succeed in this field. Learning these languages and mastering them can help you develop websites and web applications that meet the needs of the current global market.
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توقيع العضو : mohammedtarek

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Most programming languages used in the world

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Most programming languages used in the world

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