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أفضل برامج الحماية للاندرويد Android Mobile AntiVirus Security PRO v3.5

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مُساهمةموضوع: أفضل برامج الحماية للاندرويد Android Mobile AntiVirus Security PRO v3.5

أفضل برامج الحماية للاندرويد Android Mobile AntiVirus Security PRO v3.5 645909930 

Android Mobile AntiVirus Security PRO v3.5 

أفضل برامج الحماية للاندرويد Android Mobile AntiVirus Security PRO v3.5 Lsnx9-1390766113 

AVG Mobile AntiVirus Security PRO for Androidâ„¢ now for premium, full featured protection from viruses, malware, spyware & online exploitation in real-time. 
Download NOW with just an easy 1-time payment and join over 100,000,000 people who already installed AVG’s antivirus mobile security apps! 
With AVG Mobile AntiVirus Security PRO you can: 
? Scan apps, settings, files, media, calls & text messages (SMS) in real-time 
? Enable finding/locating your lost or stolen phone via Google Mapsâ„¢ 
? Lock & wipe your phone to protect your privacy 
? Kill tasks that can slow down your phone 
? Browse the web safely and securely 
? Monitor battery, storage and data package usage 
? Filter & block unwanted calls & text messages (SMS) 
In addition, when installing the premium app, you also get: 
? App Locker - password protect app access 
? App Backup - backup apps from your device to your SD 
? Camera Trap - discreetly emails you a photo of anyone who enters 3 wrong passwords when trying to unlock your phone 
? SIM Lock - locks your phone whenever the SIM card is replaced 
AVG Mobile AntiVirus Security PRO also: 
? Defends against malicious apps, viruses, malware and spyware 
? Identifies unsecure device settings and advises on how to fix them 
? Helps ensure contacts, bookmarks & text messages are safe 
? Checks media files for malicious software & security threats 
? Guards you from phishing attacks 
App features: 
? Scan downloaded apps & files and remove malicious content 
? Search, shop & use social networks with peace of mind knowing your identity & personal data are protected from phishing & malware 
? Scan websites for harmful threats. If a suspicious URL is detected, you will be redirected to a “Safe Pageâ€‌ (applicable to Androids default browser only) 
? Kill tasks & processes that can slow down or freeze up your device 
? Monitor battery consumption, set battery level notifications & enable power saving 
? Monitor traffic - keep track of your 3G /4G mobile data plan usage by getting notifications when you are near to reaching your monthly data plan limit 
? Optimize internal & SD card storage space by either uninstalling apps and games or by moving them between the internal device memory and SD card 
Anti-Theft & Phone Location: 
Use AVG’s remote management console or text messages (SMS) to: 
? Locate your lost or stolen phone and get help finding it via Google Mapsâ„¢ 
? Lock your phone and set a lock screen message to help the locator find you 
? Make your phone ring (shout) even if it is on silent mode 
? Wipe your phone and SD card content 
? Camera Trap: discreetly emails you a photo of anyone who enters 3 wrong passwords when trying to unlock your phone 
? SIM Lock: automatically locks your phone whenever someone replaces your SIM card 
? App locker: lock apps to protect your privacy and safety or lock your device settings to secure its configuration 
? App Backup: backup apps from your device to your SD card so you can restore them whenever necessary 
? Call and Message Blocker: protect yourself against spammers, ******* and scammers. Get warned about suspicious text messages, filter and block unwanted calls and messages (SMS Blocker isn’t available for Android v4.4 Kit-Kat devices) 
?Wipe contacts, text messages, photos, browser history, calendar, format SD card, and restore mobile device to factory settings 

أفضل برامج الحماية للاندرويد Android Mobile AntiVirus Security PRO v3.5 NK6Im 












أفضل برامج الحماية للاندرويد Android Mobile AntiVirus Security PRO v3.5 293028114

توقيع العضو : زائر

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أفضل برامج الحماية للاندرويد Android Mobile AntiVirus Security PRO v3.5

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أفضل برامج الحماية للاندرويد Android Mobile AntiVirus Security PRO v3.5

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