--These features are auto-on
1. No weapon weight //As a matter of fact, you will walk faster than if you had a knife.
2. No fall damage - You can jump off a tall place and not lose health
3. No grenade damage - You can't be hurt by grenades
4. Instant Weapon change - No delay when you switch weapons
5. No Recoil
6. No Spread - actually there is a little spread, but it aint that bad
7. Instant Reload - No need to reload anymore just keep shooting
AND FINALLY THE NEW KIND OF WEAPON HACK... Ok, I am gonna explain this so you know what's happening.
Don't you hate it when somebody releases a weapon hack and then you can
only use that one weapon? Well, I have made mine so that when you
initiate it, you will get a different weapon everytime you play. That's
right. It's a random gun everytime.
Press 1 on the number pad to generate a weapon for your main gun.
Press 2 to generate a Handgun for you. This will happen instantaneously,
but if for some reason it didn't change just press 2 again. **You must
have some handgun in order for it to generate a random handgun for you.
And the cool thing about this weapon hack is that it's not just your gun
that is hacked, it's every gun that is on the ground too. So let's say u
killed a guy, he will drop his weapon and it will transform into your
randomized weapon. Trust me, it's gonna be great.
So again here's how to use the hack:
The first 7 features are auto-on -- NO HOTKEY
For random weapon for your main gun NUMPAD 1
For random weapon for your hand gun NUMPAD 2
****If you initiate the guns in game you won't see them cuz the textures
are already loaded, but ur gun attributes are the same, just exit a
room and come back to see your gun.
Now here's some screenshots: (only 2 cuz i can't show you all the
combinations of weapons cuz it's over 10,000 possible weapon sets.)
Deagle Xmas in Egypt:
Click here to view the original image of 800x586px.
Type 89 in prison:
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